Save for a house deposit

Buying a house is exciting and life changing. It all starts with saving for the deposit. Find out how much you’ll need to save and get tips to help you save faster. 1. Find out how much you need for a house deposit Before you start building a deposit, work out how much you can … Read more

Trauma insurance

A critical illness or serious injury can make it difficult to continue to work. Trauma insurance can help support you and your family at this time and pay for medical and rehabilitation costs. What trauma insurance covers Trauma insurance, also called ‘critical illness’ or ‘recovery insurance’ pays a lump sum amount if you suffer a critical … Read more

A guide to combining finances for couples and newlyweds

What it means to combine finances Even if you have a strong relationship, there are some important details to consider before joining finances. Money Smart’s guide to relationships and money makes some key points: If your partner defaults on a joint loan, you may have to pay for the whole amount – even after your relationship … Read more

Mistakes to avoid when markets are turbulent

These three common mistakes are easy to avoid. Making them could be costly.  Sharp downturns on global financial markets are always unsettling. Recently and largely in response to growing fears that the United States is heading into a recession, share markets fell heavily before rebounding. Share markets may remain volatile over the short term. But … Read more

5 practical tips for getting your financial foundations right

Think of your finances like your home: how its foundations are built and maintained determines its ability to stand strong for years to come. Money expert Helen Baker shares how you can get your finances in tip-top shape. Most of us are feeling the pinch from the cost of living crisis: essentials like housing, groceries, and energy … Read more

Transition to retirement: Access your super while you keep working

A ‘transition to retirement’ (TTR) strategy lets you access some of your super and keep working. Setting this up can be complicated, so contact your super fund or financial adviser for advice. How transition to retirement works If you’ve reached your preservation age (aged 60) and still working, you can use a TTR strategy to: supplement your … Read more