5 tips to pay off your mortgage faster

Can you imagine living mortgage-free? For many homeowners, mortgage repayments represent a large part of their salary and many years of hard work, with the end not clearly in sight. Whether your goal is to soon be mortgage-free or to reduce your mortgage to allow you renovate, invest or live more comfortably, there are things … Read more

Superannuation and relationship breakdown

Overview If your relationship with your spouse ends, you should be aware of what can happen to the super entitlements of you both. The Family Court and super-splitting laws generally enable super interests (accounts in super funds) or super payments (pensions or annuities) to be split by agreement or court order if a relationship breaks … Read more

Tax changes – what it will mean to me

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has announced proposed changes to address ongoing cost of living pressures with all 13.6 million Australian taxpayers receiving a tax cut from 1 July 2024, compared to the tax they paid in 2023-24.i Now is the time to assess what it means to your hip pocket and what implications it may … Read more